Meeting Real

Meeting Real

Meeting Real is the most usable meeting notes taking and management application. Notes, decisions, to-dos and ideas.

Popis riešenia

Kľúčové vlastnosti
  • higher quality meetings
  • transparent agreements with your colleagues or clients
  • lightweight tool to manage your projects
Základné info

This is how Meeting Real helps our users to avoid bad meetings:
- Prepare and organize meetings by topics and projects
- Enjoy carefully crafted note-taking with decisions, to-dos and ideas
- Easily share and always keep your notes in one safe place

Komu je určené

Malý podnik do 25 zamestnancov, Menši stredný podnik do 100 zamestnancov, Stredný podnik do 500 zamestnancov, Podnik nad 500 zamestnancov, Neziskové organizácie, Advokátske kancelárie



Jazyk Anglický
Legislatíva Nezadané
Zariadenia Web
Technická podpora Online podpora 8/5
Popis technickej podpory Nezadané
Kategórie Vedenie/Manažment, Projektové riadenie, Riadenie úloh, Komunikácia a dokumenty, Komunikácia, Úlohy


Aplikácia nemá žiadne video.



At the moment the application is free for everyone. Pricelist will be introduced in near time in a form of monthly subscription.